Thursday, January 17, 2008


Caroline and I went to lunch with some friends today. (We went to Taco Mac and it was amazing because they seriously have the best wings ever.) I brought lunch for Caroline and I cut it all up and put it in front of her so that I could basically ignore her and eat my lunch (which never happens but I still try to set things up "just right" in hopes Caroline will pleasantly surprise me with good behavior). I even brought all her favorites...raisins (gag), meat sticks (barf), cheese, and a bottle. After squaring Caroline away with her food (and the lemon out of my drink that she begged me which she ate almost the whole thing including the rind), I settled in to enjoy my meal and converse with my friend. Throughout the entire dining experience Caroline tried several times to "Houdini" out of her highchair. (She finally succeeded toward the end of the meal and proceeded to climb on top of the table.) However, during the middle of the meal she had been content for a span of a few minutes and all of a sudden I thought "what is going on?", "Caroline is sure being good". I turned to look at her and noticed she had grabbed one of my wings, devoured the remaining chicken off the wing (if there was any) and was sucking ferociously on the bone. My wings were hot mind you and she was loving them! It was hysterical, she just smiled until I took the bone away which brought about a sound that I don't care if I ever hear again and a grimace that I wouldn't mind ever seeing again. After lunch, we headed over to Barnes and Noble to get some coffee to perk us up after our exhausting lunch. Caroline had fun hugging and kissing on her 5 month old friend. She loves to show affection and aggression interchangeably and you never know what is next. Thankfully her little friend Anna Claire enjoyed both the love and abuse and just smiled the whole time. It is really fun to make new friends who like you for you. Well, I gotta stop ignoring my family and go cook dinner for them....


Brett said...

Poor Caroline....Hot wings are only good until they come out the other end! I hope you have wet-ones handy to sooth her burning bum. Do you not feed the poor child at home? I wish I could have been there for the blizzard of 2008 yesterday! Love ya!

carolineb said...

Baby loves some wings! That girl is amazing. She gets it from her mama.

Mari said...

Your blog is ranking right up there with that famous blogger who sells stuff for a lot of money on ebay. Thanks for the laughs!

Patrick Cantrell said...

yeah dude. And yes, I love Lee.