Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas shopping with Caroline & the insane TJ Max lady...

Today started out with a bang. literally. (I went in to get Caroline up this morning and she was so happy to see me that she began jumping up and down in her crib. It was the cutest thing ever. Then, just before I lifted her out she banged her mouth on the side of her bed...really hard. The intense excitement of seeing mommy quickly turned into an ear piercing wail. I would have cried too.) Then it was my turn to do something stupid I guess, so we packed up and headed out to buy Bo Christmas gifts. (We set the most unrealistic budget of $30 to spend on each other. SO just coming up with what to buy was hard enough.) Well, we went to Target (of course) and no, my brother has not made my t-shirt yet-(Just say no to pyramid schemes), but thankfully I was not approached today. I think Caroline would have scared anyone within a 10 feet radius off. She was throwing things out of my buggy faster that I could put them in. Chaos! After choosing a few items that I will not mention, because Bo reads my blog, I checked out. I couldn't find my money anywhere and I had to surrender my credit card that I am not allowed to use for anything but gas. I was so nervous that my cash had been tossed out with the other "things" Caroline had launched at people that I forgot to give the cashier one of the items. I did not realize my mistake until I was loading up my car and realized I had stolen the $6 pack of disposable razors. My life would be so much easier if I were dishonest! But no, I had to go back into Target, wait in the customer service line (meanwhile I find my cash, I had hidden it from myself), and I get stuck in front of this man who keeps asking if he can hold Caroline. I was like, uhh "she doesn't like anyone but me". I wanted to say "hell no get away from me", but I am not mean. So, the whole time I was RE-checking out he is playing with her, touching her face, etc.... good thing I am not a germ freak. I'm glad to be home. I spent more than the $30 limit...
Oh and speaking of Christmas shopping... listen to this....I got behind this lady the other day in the TJ Max line and she was talking about that mall shooting that happened a few weeks ago. She was saying that she couldn't believe that there haven't been more shootings. She said that the terrible Christmas music that stores play is enough to drive anyone insane. She then starts telling me how she would have "performed" the shooting. (She said she would have gone on a Saturday where there were a lot more people, etc..) Then she continues on about how crazy Christmas music can make you.... Crazy enough to kill people????? I don't think so!!!!!! I wanted to call 911 and give them a "tip", but I figure she was exaggerating. It was creepy...


ash said...

nice, i've been waiting for a new blog. and i went to target today too. bought something, then took it back 2 hours later. i'm crazy

Patrick Cantrell said...

I did something for youuuuu.....

Camille said...

YOU are my favorite blogger. Your stories-I totally read them with your voice in my head and it makes me laugh so hard.
I miss you.
I'm coming to see you after the Holidays.
Merry Christmas!

AtlantaMama said...

I don't like people I don't know to touch the baby. Creepster!! And that "shooter" lady was clearly not in the holiday spirit! I saw someone I wanted to report at OldNavy!

carolineb said...


AmyFritch said...

Seriously - your blog makes me laugh out loud a lot!!! You are so funny. I think I might have taken the razors home with me and brough them back another day. Even if I am a pastor's wife!