Friday, December 21, 2007

Attack of the killer spider and infant Motrin!

Caroline is too much for me. Too cute and too funny, yes. But I am talking about her remarkable, paranormal ability to "get into things". I mean she is seriously a handful. (I am so thankful that God chose me to be her mom, but seriously, I need His constant help.) This task of raising Caroline is simultaneously enjoyable and terrifying. There are times I literally have to just sit down and breathe because of what "could have" just happened. I know that she inherited her inquisitive behavior from one uncle and her busy-ness from the other. She gets it honestly. (Don't get me wrong, Caroline is probably more fun than those kids who sit around and obey all the time. I love my job.)
Today, we had three freakish encounters with dangerous things...
1. A black widow spider...I am positive it was one.... I researched GA spiders until I stumbled upon the nasty little creatures "positive ID match"... Thank God Bo un-knowingly smashed it in the door just before she found it-
2. She unlocked a child-proof bottle of my panic I licked her mouth to see if she had consumed any... I think we are in the clear several hours later
3. the fireplace "poker" tool...she loves it...It scares me...
Despite these terrifying episodes, we have had a fun day. Caroline has mimicked just about everything I have said and it is adorable. Her little voice is so high pitched.


carolineb said...

I found some spider legs in baby Katie's mouth one time. Sick.

Mari said...

Thanks for the laughs Ruth Allen...keep 'em coming. Caroline and Kaira could seriously have some fun together.