Friday, February 1, 2008

Tasty China

A few things:

I don't like it when people sing songs that they don't know the words to. I really get upset when they just make up their own words and keep on singing like it is no big deal. It embarrasses me, (especially when they are unaware of the extent to which they are butchering the song)'s just wrong and it irritates me. I did it the other day. Had it been more than a few words, I might have not liked myself anymore. I love Switchfoot. There is a line in one of their songs that says "we are the target market, we set the corporate target.." Well, I caught myself actually thinking about the words I was singing, and that is when I discovered I had the words confused. I had (for as long as I had "known" the song) been singing "we are the target monkeys". It was a tragic discovery, I'm a hypocrite.

I dream a LOT and one of my re-occurring dreams is that my teeth are falling out or that I am missing one of my teeth, and so on. The dreams are freaky and more like nightmares. I wish they would go away. I woke up panicked the other day. My dentist said that I most likely grind my teeth and so therefore I dream about them. The hygienist said that I have bad hand-eye coordination and that I am not capable of brushing my teeth as well as they deserve. She said I needed an electric toothbrush and she gave me a $10 rebate for one. You know that if you are given a rebate for a toothbrush, it ain't cheap. It was like $90 and so I bought one for $15 and I use my old one most of the time.

Tonight I went to Tasty China. My dad took us out. Some good friends recommended the place. When we first got there a little lady came over to greet us. I had given Caroline my chopsticks because she was bored and begging to touch something. Next thing I know the waitress has walked off with the chopsticks and marches right back to our table after disposing of them and says "Chinese people do not give their babies chopsticks. Very dangerous. She can pop her eye out. Do not give them to her again". (Let me just say here that lately people feel like they need to help me parent. I'll be out and people (usually older ladies) will ask where her shoes are (she pulls them off immediately after being strapped in her car seat!) I was a little embarrassed. Then she proceeds to take our order and it was insane. She was apparently frustrated that we did not know what we wanted seconds upon walking in the door to a restaurant we had never stepped foot in. She began asking a ton of questions at once, "you like spicy?, what kind of meat you want?, etc.." She then decides what she thinks we should have and next thing we know the massive plates of food are on our little table. The "pork with young bamboo" was positioned right in front of Caroline and she began helping herself to it. She would agree that Tasty China is in fact tasty. After recovering from one bite of the spiciest noodles I have ever tasted, (and I am no whimp when it comes to spicy) I enjoyed the black pepper beef and fried green beans. I think we will definetly go back, we will just make sure to know what we want when the waitress arives and make sure Caroline does not "pop" her eye or whatever.

I'm off to see if I can con Bo into scratching my back...


Writeaway said...

I don't know why some people feel compelled to teach us how to parent. (My mother STILL tells me how to raise my grown children, by the way! ). I'd say avoid that waitress at the Chinese restaurant - or tell her to mind her own "beeswax".Next time she jerks the chopstix from Caroline, I'd give her a quick karate chop to the kneecap. But that's just me.

Brett said...

I get really embarassed(sp?) when I sing the wrong words to a song. It invariably happens in church and I have a stroke of panic thinking to myself "surely nobody heard me" even though I'm the loudest singer I know. I always look to Gretchen for affirmation of my wonderful singing ability and she just always laughs at me. It's really a sad affair.

I love the chopstick story. That definitely would have been reflected in her tip. Love you!

AtlantaMama said...

MIKE HUCKABEE!!! Yea, totally agree about the making up words thing.

carolineb said...

I hope you never stop blogging.

Chip B said...

Hey ... just coming onto the blogging scene and had to make a comment here. It's about parenting and China, so I thought it was appropriate. When we were in China adopting Amy, it was nice and warm ... probably in the upper 70s. So we were dressed in shorts, etc. Chinese women wanted to keep covering our babies wherever we went. I mean, come on! You should see them in winter ... they look like Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade floats. I got to where I would walk around any approaching Chinese lady, because I don't think she understood "no touchy baby!"

Good parents feel zealous regarding raising mini goobers.

brad said...

Dreaming of losing teeth has to do with feeling insecure.

I did it as a younger man.

Patrick Cantrell said...

Write a new blog you butthole.