Monday, December 31, 2007


We're house-sitting. Bo and I don't like pets too much but we're keeping my parents dogs for a little less than a week because we are just so kind. The older dog Lily is a complete oxymoron of her name. She is not dainty nor fragile, and is by no means pleasant smelling. In fact she weighs over 130 pounds (BUT if you were to include the MASSIVE fatty tumor inside her neck she most likely weighs about 140 pounds these days). Lily sheds something awful and even Caroline who is quite fond of animals is easily horrified by her deep loud bark.

The other dog, Annie, is much smaller (about 7 pounds), and is equally as charming. (The day before my parents left to go to the ever exciting Greenville, Mississippi, Annie decided she needed a little attention. I was in the bank setting up a savings account for Caroline and I got a phone call from my brother....this is what I heard coming from the other end of the line, "Ruth Allen!! Mom is having a terrible day and to make things worse mom and dad are on the way to the vet with Annie because she is really sick... They think she maybe ate some rat poison...she can't even stand up...if it was rat poison she's gonna die" Let me add here that I only answered the phone in the middle of my affairs at the bank because Patrick called twice and is not usually awake that time of day (10:00 in the morning). After spending over $100 at the vet, my parents learned that Annie most likely has epilepsy.) Bo and I are keeping our fingers crossed that Annie will hold off seizing during our stay here. All that to say Annie is a grouchy little dog that doesn't like to use the potty in the rain. Therefore, she uses the carpet in my parents bedroom just beside their bed. Day before yesterday I had two brown dog droppings stuck to my foot first thing in the morning. It was almost as enjoyable as waking up to Caroline crying. Caroline likes Annie and is quite obsessed with grabbing her, however the feelings are not mutual. (I have felt like a referee the past few days.) Last night Caroline snatched Annie up out of my lap by only her sweater...yes, the dog wears a sweater to keep her warm this time of year. It was hilarious and quite freakish at the same time. (My brother is ashamed of the fact Annie has a sweater, much less wears it.) Honestly, it is cute on her.

Caroline is enjoying her stay at my parents, but she did not want to sleep in a different bed the first night. I slept so well in my parents full size bed with Caroline sprawled out on one-side and Annie all up against me on the other. Bo got to sleep on the couch, I am still envious. Things are just different when you stay in other's territory. Bo and I decided to cook some steaks night before last. There were some rat droppings...(make that hundreds of rat droppings) by the grill...Bo HATES rats and has quite an unhealthy fear of rodents and all things resembling rodents. He decided to start the grill before ever opening it (just in case any rats were "playing inside") and he was proud of his genius idea. Long story short the gas ran out and the steaks had to finish cooking in the oven. As we were desperately trying to enjoy the steaks, we could not help but joke that the steaks did not come from Publix where we had grocery shopped earlier that day, but instead from Kaufman tire where Bo had picked his car up from the shop that afternoon. We like our steaks rare, but tire rubber works when your husband volunteers to cook for you, and there is a dog begging at your feet.

Even simple gadgets vary from home to home. Bo tried to make us some coffee this morning. His first attempt failed because he forgot to empty the coffee from the morning before and it overflowed everywhere. (The coffee pot is stainless steel...not glass) His second attempt failed, because he forget to place the carafe back inside the coffee maker. Even bigger mess as you can imagine. Thank goodness the "third time is a charm". (You must understand that Bo RARELY does mindless is always so funny to see him laugh at himself.) Speaking of Bo he did an amazing job leading worship at church yesterday and all around we had a great service. I was excited at how the congregation (I feel weird using that word, we're small) got involved and seemed to really hear from the Lord yesterday. I love our church. Bo and I can't wait for the day we can move into Marietta. We actually have enjoyed our stay at our parents as they live in the heart of the city Bo and I love so much.

We went to the famous La Parilla last night and had a great time. Caroline was thrilled by the Mariachi band and we were too, because it kept her entertained. (We were even spared the unfortunate parental task of having to scarf our food down, it was fun and relaxing.) She danced and smiled and pointed and squealed. It was a highlight of our holidays for sure. That's all for now... (Mom and Dad we are having a good time really, we are laughing a lot...)


Camille said...

RAC-I love your stories and I love that you got to eat La parilla in peace and actually enjoyed your food. I understand how rare that is! I eat so fast now while Aaron still takes his sweet little time. Does that sound bitter? If not then i meant it to. :)
Can't wait to come for a visit soon!

Art Of Listening - Cyprus said...

Root, you make me laugh. Always a grin reading your blog. A rubber tire steak, rat droppings, Lily, Annie, 3 pots of coffee, and the many other events of your week bring tears of joy. Thanks for sharing. You are loved. June/Mama/Grandmama