Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My brother insisted I write a new post and I haven't had anything very interesting happen lately other than just watching the things Caroline does everyday. So, here is a little window into our world...

Caroline still asks if she can nurse just about everyday... I'll hear her say "urse", "boobies" and then a good bit of the time she'll answer her own question "no, no Caroline". It's like a little conversation she has with herself to remind her that the ursing days are over. It's really hysterical. When will she give it up?

I was unloading the groceries and I took a break after I put away all the perishables. (So all the other stuff was still on the floor.) Next thing I know Caroline has a sack of flour in the middle of the living room. She opened it, but I caught her. That would have been the biggest mess and I would have had to get out the vacuum cleaner (which she is very afraid of.) (I don't like it either)

Caroline's latest obsession is wrapping cords around her neck. Scares me to death. I bought her some beaded necklaces....they seem to keep her busy. I think the cord fascination is almost over.

Great...she just now dumped out a cup of sprite and threw my rechargeable batteries in the trashcan.

She loves to "play" Nintendo (or game cube..I say it is the same thing!) with Bo. She'll scoot up her little chair and hold the controller and say "ball!"

Her favorite song is "clean-up, clean-up..." She goes around singing it. Why that song?

Caroline loves to hug. She'll hug and kiss your child until they cry.

She thinks everything in the sky is a moon. I'll say airplane and she'll say "moon!"

She pretends she has boo-boo's. She'll look at a freckle or anything on her and say "oh noooooo" in the most distressed tone.

She is obsessed with belly-buttons (be-boos). She'll lift your shirt up anytime anywhere with no warning. No matter who you are. You better watch out....

She also loves to step on my feet. It takes every ounce of coordination and determination and concentration, but she thinks it is the best game. It hurts.

Alright..the end...if you made it this far.



Patrick Cantrell said...

Hooray. I am happy you decided to write a new one. I just trimmed my beard back to normal length and buzzed my hair, it's been quite an incredible day.

Sutton said...

hahaha! that's great.

word veri: lkrovgnd. that make no sense.

Sutton said...

Yes, you too. We were both rather potatoey plump. Glad we grew out of it! haha.

Chip B said...

THIS is what blogs are for. Now I have to personally introduce myself to this spectacular Caroline ... and realize that there are other children in this world beyond mine that are fascinated with the buttons of the belly.

[This is actually a foreign word for "Excuse me madam, but your blouse is too short and your belly button is exposed."]

Writeaway said...

Actually, you've had a LOT of interesting thing happen to you lately. I just read all about them. Kids are always good for making us look at life differently, laugh and stand amazed at their creativity.

Loved seeing you and Caroline today!

Mary Beth said...

ruth allen-- i loved reading that and esp the "ursing"
part..makes me dread weaning evy!!
so wonderful to see you

AtlantaMama said...

I have see / heard Caroline in action on several of these. I love the "clean-up" song and I think that "No, no Caroline" is really funny... She's just reminding herself!
We enjoyed going to the park!!

Micah and Shireen said...

I finally found your blog!!! It is great! Love all the funny things Caroline is saying and doing.Hope all is well!

AmyFritch said...

Your blog is absolutely hilarious. Everytime. Without fail.

PS. Take the cords away. Your making me nervous.